Windows 10 Greek Keyboard Layout

How to Set Default Keyboard Input Language in Windows 10 In Windows, you can configure your keyboard to use a different keyboard layout or input method to type in another language. The language of your keyboard layout controls the characters that appear on your screen when you type.

  1. In Windows 10 go to 'Settings', then to 'Time & language' 'Region & language' 'Add a language' menu, and select 'Greek'. At the 'Options' of Greek select as 'Keyboard' or 'Input Method' the 'Greek Polytonic'. You can use a Word processor like Microsoft Word, able to handle unicode text.
  2. So just US layout for my physical keyboard on my desktop (USB) and tablet (Bluetooth), both having a full up to date Windows 10 10586.218 (x64 on desktop, 32bits on tablet). On the same live account, I am also using a Windows 10 Mobile device (Nokia 730) on which I only use touch keyboard and thus need all 3 layouts (French, English, German).

Choose a keyboard below to view its layouts. To see different keyboard states, move the mouse over state keys such as Shift, Caps or AltGr. You can also lock or unlock those keys by clicking them.

If you use a pop-up blocker, please update your allowable list to include this Web site. Games extension kings and legends cheats. Use the browser magnification feature to increase the size of the keyboards.

Keyboard NameIntroduced
Arabic (101)pre-XP
Arabic (102)pre-XP
Arabic (102) AZERTYpre-XP
Armenian Eastern (Legacy)pre-XP
Armenian Phonetic8
Armenian Typewriter8
Armenian Western (Legacy)pre-XP
Assamese - INSCRIPTVista / Server 2008
Azerbaijani (Standard)8.1
Azeri Cyrillicpre-XP
Azeri Latinpre-XP
BBashkirVista / Server 2008
Belgian (Comma)pre-XP
Belgian (Period)8.1
Belgian Frenchpre-XP
Bengali - INSCRIPTVista / Server 2008
Bengali - INSCRIPT (Legacy)XP SP2
Bosnian (Cyrillic)8
Bulgarian (Latin)8.1
Bulgarian (Phonetic Traditional)7 / Server 2008 R2
Bulgarian (Phonetic)Vista / Server 2008
Bulgarian (Typewriter)Vista / Server 2008
CCanadian Frenchpre-XP
Canadian French (Legacy)pre-XP
Canadian Multilingual Standardpre-XP
Central Atlas Tamazight8.1
Central Kurdish8
Cherokee Nation8
Cherokee Phonetic8
Chinese (Simplified) - US8.1
Chinese (Simplified, Singapore) - US8.1
Chinese (Traditional) - US8.1
Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R.) - US8.1
Chinese (Traditional, Macao S.A.R.) - US8.1
Czech (QWERTY)pre-XP
Czech Programmerspre-XP
Devanagari - INSCRIPTpre-XP
Divehi PhoneticXP / Server 2003
Divehi TypewriterXP / Server 2003
EEnglish (India)8
Finnish with SamiXP SP2
GGeorgian (Ergonomic)Vista / Server 2008
Georgian (Legacy)pre-XP
Georgian (MES)8
Georgian (Old Alphabets)8
Georgian (QWERTY)Vista / Server 2008
German (IBM)pre-XP
Greek (220)pre-XP
Greek (220) Latinpre-XP
Greek (319)pre-XP
Greek (319) Latinpre-XP
Greek Latinpre-XP
Greek Polytonicpre-XP
GreenlandicVista / Server 2008
GujaratiXP / Server 2003
HHausa7 / Server 2008 R2
Hebrew (Standard)8
Hindi Traditionalpre-XP
Hungarian 101-keypre-XP
Igbo7 / Server 2008 R2
Inuktitut - LatinVista / Server 2008
Inuktitut - NaqittautVista / Server 2008
Italian (142)pre-XP
KKannadaXP / Server 2003
Khmer (NIDA)8
Kyrgyz CyrillicXP / Server 2003
LLaoVista / Server 2008
Latin Americanpre-XP
Latvian (QWERTY)pre-XP
Latvian (Standard)8.1
Lisu (Basic)8
Lisu (Standard)8
Lithuanian IBMpre-XP
Lithuanian StandardVista / Server 2008
LuxembourgishVista / Server 2008
MMacedonian (FYROM)pre-XP
Macedonian (FYROM) - StandardVista / Server 2008
MalayalamXP SP2
Maltese 47-KeyXP SP2
Maltese 48-KeyXP SP2
MaoriXP SP2
Mongolian (Mongolian Script)Vista / Server 2008
Mongolian CyrillicXP / Server 2003
Myanmar (Phonetic order)10
Myanmar (Visual order)10
NNepaliVista / Server 2008
New Tai Lue8
Norwegian with SamiXP SP2
OOdiaVista / Server 2008
Ol Chiki8.1
Old Italic8.1
PPashto (Afghanistan)Vista / Server 2008
Persian (Standard)8
Polish (214)pre-XP
Polish (Programmers)pre-XP
Portuguese (Brazil ABNT)pre-XP
Portuguese (Brazil ABNT2)8.1
PunjabiXP / Server 2003
RRomanian (Legacy)pre-XP
Romanian (Programmers)Vista / Server 2008
Romanian (Standard)Vista / Server 2008
Russian - Mnemonic8
Russian (Typewriter)pre-XP
SSakha7 / Server 2008 R2
Sami Extended Finland-SwedenXP SP2
Sami Extended NorwayXP SP2
Scottish Gaelicpre-XP
Serbian (Cyrillic)pre-XP
Serbian (Latin)pre-XP
Sesotho sa Leboa7 / Server 2008 R2
Setswana7 / Server 2008 R2
SinhalaVista / Server 2008
Sinhala - Wij 9Vista / Server 2008
Slovak (QWERTY)pre-XP
Sorbian ExtendedVista / Server 2008
Sorbian Standard7 / Server 2008 R2
Sorbian Standard (Legacy)Vista / Server 2008
Spanish Variationpre-XP
Swedish with Samipre-XP
Swiss Frenchpre-XP
Swiss Germanpre-XP
SyriacXP / Server 2003
Syriac PhoneticXP / Server 2003
TTai Le8
TajikVista / Server 2008
Tatar (Legacy)8
TeluguXP / Server 2003
Thai Kedmaneepre-XP
Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock)pre-XP
Thai Pattachotepre-XP
Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock)pre-XP
Tibetan (PRC)7 / Server 2008 R2
Tibetan (PRC) - Updated8.1
Tifinagh (Basic)8
Tifinagh (Extended)8
Traditional Mongolian (Standard)8.1
Turkish Fpre-XP
Turkish Qpre-XP
TurkmenVista / Server 2008
Ukrainian (Enhanced)Vista / Server 2008
United Kingdompre-XP
United Kingdom ExtendedXP SP2
United States-Dvorakpre-XP
United States-Dvorak for left handpre-XP
United States-Dvorak for right handpre-XP
United States-Internationalpre-XP
US English Table for IBM Arabic 238_Lpre-XP
Uyghur7 / Server 2008 R2
Uyghur (Legacy)Vista / Server 2008
Uzbek Cyrillicpre-XP
WWolof7 / Server 2008 R2
YYoruba7 / Server 2008 R2

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Active1 month ago

So I recently did a clean install of Windows 10 English. I configured it to have English UI language but Norwegian keyboard. I have several problems with that setup:

  1. The keyboard language keeps switching to English constantly
  2. I can't see the language bar nor the language toggle popup when I swap: Gmail hacker apk.

I have bound the Norwegian keyboard layout to Shift+Alt+0 and that works, but it's annoying to have to do that every 5 minutes. Also I find it weird that I can't see the language bar neither on the desktop nor on the toolbar. Dekalb county driver s license renewal office.

Anyone have any idea of what might be wrong?

Here are some screenshots of my settings:

P.S. The only time I see the language toggle popup is actually when I'm logged out in the lock screen and press Win+Space. Nothing happens if I do that after being logged in.

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1,9816 gold badges19 silver badges31 bronze badges

9 Answers

Windows 10 Greek Polytonic Keyboard

In Windows 10, by default, pressing CTRL+SHIFT (or for some ALT+SHIFT - thanks madmenyo ) will cycle through any keyboard layouts that you might have mapped and it's surprisingly easy to do this by mistake.

If you keep pressing CTRL+SHIFT (or whatever you might have changed it to) then soon you should get back to the correct setting. (alternatively reboot which is what I did first time ;-) )

(Updated Aug 2019) You can change/disable this by

Be warned, the above doesn't always work - Restarts and Sleep mode can both change keyboard default (usually to US) - I've found no cast-iron solution though creating a new profile can help, though not a particularly satisfactory answer IMHO.

In an emergency

to bring up the On Screen Keyboard might help temporarily.

Also note that it's possible to disable this so that no key combination will change the language - change the keys to 'Not Assigned' - see answer below from Mort for more info


Online Greek Keyboard

3,7612 gold badges10 silver badges7 bronze badges

If you click on the 'Change language bar hot keys' link, visible in your last screenshot, you should be able to see which keys are bound to change the keyboard language.

Windows 10 greek keyboard layout mac

The default settings are very easy to hit, when using the keyboard, thus suddenly changing the keyboard language. Changing the keys to 'Not Assigned' will prevent the keyboard language from switching accidentally.


2018/2019 answer:

I had the same issue, trying to use Polish keyboard with English UI language of Windows.

Every time I locked the computer, it came back to US keyboard.

The problem was that I was having Polish keyboard under Polish language, where in fact, what I really wanted was a Polish keyboard under English language.

I removed Polish language pack, added Polish keyboard under English language, and removed American keyboard from English language - see the screenshot below:

So in short, the trick is to add your desired keyboard as the only keyboard under the default language.

(This works for me because I generally type in English, only sometimes I want to input in Polish, but I can do it without changing the keyboard, since Polish keyboard is fully compatible with US QWERTY).


Additional notes:

As @GuneyOzsan mentioned, some language/keyboard configurations might show only in language bar, but not in the language settings keyboards list (so you cannot remove it) -- particularly, this happens after a major update of Windows.To remove one of those items (e.g.: lang=US, keyboard=Canada), you have to add the same exact combination of the item you want to delete via the language settings list, and then remove it:

  • click on the + (add a preferred language)
  • add an item with the lang=US and keyboard=Canada
  • then remove it
  • then delete the preferred language you just created (this removes the invisible keyboard)
3,5672 gold badges22 silver badges31 bronze badges

Turns out I had to configure a keyboard layout in the first screenshot. You'll notice it says 'Keyboard: None available'. So clicking 'Options' here, then 'Add an input method' and then selecting QWERTY Norwegian solved the case.

I don't know how I was able to install Windows with such a borked language setup. Anyway I advice everyone to watch more closely the language questions upon initial install.

1,9816 gold badges19 silver badges31 bronze badges

The direct registry setting to disable the keyboard layout toggle hotkeys is:

You might also want

And for new users, try this (in an elevated prompt):


use this solution- How to disable automatic keyboard layout change in Windows 8?

Choose the second language as default. then,when you switch to the first one, it will remain switched.

(thanks to @SimonSeyock):

win + space changes between all language/keyboard pairs.
alt + shift only changes language
ctrl + shift only changes keyboard

1,6734 gold badges20 silver badges32 bronze badges

My problem: I have 3 languages (keyboard layouts) installed. When going to sleep in Windows 10, then waking up, it always defaults back to the 'main language', instead of keeping the last one set. I consider this a bug.


  1. Open Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsLanguage.
  2. Click on Advanced Settings.
  3. Under Switching input methods, check the Let me set a different input method for each app windows.

This will keep the language when going to sleep and coming back.

Kai NoackKai Noack
1,0672 gold badges18 silver badges33 bronze badges

December 2018

Windows 10 Greek Keyboard Layout

The same issue occurred to me and I followed the following steps to fix it on Windows 10.

Step #1: Go to Language Preferences

Step #2: Click on Advanced keyboard Settings

Step #3: Click on Language bar Options

Step #4: Perform following :4.1 Select Advanced Key Settings Tab4.2 Choose Between input languages option in the list.4.3 Click on Change key Sequence.. button

4.4 Change both the options to Not Assigned.


This top Google result worked on my new Windows 10 laptop:

Set a default keyboard layout:

  1. Click the Start menu and select Settings.
  2. Select Time & language.
  3. Click Region & language in the left column.
  4. Under Languages click the language you want as default and click Set as default.
Cees TimmermanCees Timmerman
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Windows 10 Greek Keyboard Layout

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