Laptop Map Software With Gps

Map Software Reviews. Modern technology has enabled people to navigate their way around the world using hi-tech satellites with GPS capabilities that power the navigation devices in your car and smartphone in your hand. Microsoft Streets and Trips 2008 - review at Laptop GPS World. Microsoft MapPoint - There are two separate versions: one contains map of North America (same coverage as Streets & Trips), and the other is for Europe. Microsoft MapPoint 2013 - review at Laptop GPS World Microsoft MapPoint 2011 Microsoft MapPoint 2010 - review at Laptop GPS. Garmin Support Center is where you will find answers to frequently asked questions and resources to help with all of your Garmin products.

Map Software Like Streets And Trips

(Redirected from Comparison of free off-line GPS software)

This article contains a list with gratis (but not necessarily open source) satellite navigation (or 'GPS') software[1][2] for a range of devices (PC, laptop, tablet PC, mobile phone, handheld PC (Pocket PC, Palm)). Some of the free software mentioned here does not have detailed maps (or maps at all) or the ability to follow streets or type in street names (no geocoding). However, in many cases, it is also that which makes the program free (and sometimes open source[3]), avoid the need of an Internet connection,[4][5][6] and make it very lightweight (allowing use on small portable devices, including smartphones). Very basic programs like this may not be suitable for road navigation in cars, but serve their purpose for navigation while walking or trekking, and for use at sea. To determine the GPS coordinates of a destination, one can use sites such as and GPS visualizer.

Some software presented here is free, but maps may need to be paid for. In this instance, and in the instance that some maps (of specific countries) are not standardly available, Mobile Atlas Creator (MOBAC) can be used (e.g. on OruxMaps, Maverick, Sports Tracker, Maplorer).

Some of the software mentioned can also be run on different devices than what they are intended for. A particular case-in-point is the Android software which can often be run on laptops or PCs (running Linux, Windows or Mac OS X) as well. This can be done using emulators.

Laptop Map Software With Gps

Some of the software mentioned here may run only on devices that are no longer commercially sold (such as the PalmPilot and PocketPC devices). However, these devices are often still obtainable via second-hand websites.

  • 1Navigation software

Navigation software[edit]

Free maps[edit]

Navigation software with free maps often uses maps from the OpenStreetMap project.

Laptop Map Software With Gps
NameCompanyType of device[7]Operating system3rd-party GPS-able?[8]Software with maps? Follows streets?Open-source?Remarks
Aqua Map[9]GECsmartphone, tabletAndroid, iOS?Yes, yesNo
Google MapsGooglesmartphone, tabletAndroid, iOS?Yes, yesNoMaps can be downloaded, but they expire after 30 days,[10][11] ads
Here WeGo[12]HERE Global B.V., Netherlandstablet, smartphone, Laptop (online), PC (online),iOS, Android?yes (color maps), ?Nointended for marine navigation
Magic EarthGeneral Magic B.V.Smartphone, tabletAndroid, iOS?Yes (OpenStreetMap data), yesNoFree OSM maps intended for car navigation, hiking and biking
MapFactor[13]MapFactor, s.r.o., Czech RepublicTablet PC, smartphone, car navigation, PC, etc.Android, Windows, Windows Mobile, iOS, WinCE?Yes (OpenStreetMap data), yesNoFree OSM maps, optional non-free TomTom maps, ads
MAPS.ME[14]MapsWithMe GmbHsmartphoneAndroid, iOS, BlackBerry?Yes (OpenStreetMap data),[15] yes[16]Yes (Apache License 2.0)[15]?
Navmii (formerly NavFree)[17][18]NavmiiTablet PCAndroid?Yes (OpenStreetMap data), yes??
NaviComputer[19]?Windows PhoneWindows Mobile?yes (?), no?For hiking and biking
Navit[20][21]noneLaptop, PC, tablet PC, smartphoneWindows for PC, Linux, Android, OpenMoko?Yes (OpenStreetMap and others), yesYes (GPL 2)Intended for road navigation
OpenCPN[22]?Laptop, PCWindows XP SP3, Vista, 7, 8, IntelMac, Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS)?yes (various charts and OpenStreetMap data), N/A?Intended for maritime navigation
OsmAnd[23]OsmAND bvTablet PC, smartphoneAndroid, iOS?Yes (OpenStreetMap data), yesYes (GPLv3+)Limited to 7 maps for the free Google Play version,[24] unlimited on F-Droid
Maps can be added manually via PC in program order on smartphone

Non-free maps[edit]

NameCompanyType of device[7]Operating system3rd-party GPS-able?[8]Software with maps? Follows streets?Open-source?Remarks
Aqua Map[25]GECSmartphone, TabletAndroid, iOS?Yes, yesNo
i-Boating[26]i-BoatingTablet, PC, SmartphoneiOS, Android, Windows & BlackBerryYesYesNoMarine Navigation Software, free program, but maps need to be paid for
HandMap[27][28]?handheld PC (Palm)Palm OS?yes (color maps, basic), ??May be a free program, but maps need to be paid for (hence called 'shareware' at Tucows) ?
Navionics Boating App[29]Navionicssmartphone, tabletiOS, Android?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ??Intended for marine navigation, free program, but maps need to be paid for
SailPalm[30]?handheld PC (Palm)Palm OS?yes (black and white maps), ??Free program, but maps need to be paid for (hence called 'shareware' at Tucows), intended for marine navigation (sailing)
Skobbler GPS Navigation 2[31][32]?Tablet PCiOS, Android?paipayes (OpenStreetMap data), ?NoProgram is free and can be used without limitations online, offline maps need to be paid for after the first free one

Other satellite navigation software[edit]

NameCompanyType of device[7]Operating system3rd-party GPS-able?[8]Software with maps? Follows streets?Open-source?Remarks
FieldNote[33]Mobile Computinghandheld PC (pocket PC)Windows CE?no, ??mainly intended to mark specific points without a map, not intended for actual navigation
GPSLogger[34]Open Project

Basic Air Data

Tablet, PC, Smartphone

and any android enabled device

AndroidYes, no specific hardwareNoYes[35]Free and no ads. Exports in common formats and via email[36]
osmdroid[37]osmdroid.orgTablet, PC, Smartphone

and any android enabled device

AndroidYes, no specific hardwareyes (?), noYes (Apache)[38]may not allow actual navigation from point-to-point, only showing the current position on a map

Miscellaneous / unsorted software[edit]

NameCompanyType of device[7]Operating system3rd-party GPS-able?[8]Software with maps? Follows streets?Open-source?Remarks
Maverick[39][40]?Tablet PCAndroid?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ?No?
gvSIG Mini[41][42]ProdevelopTablet PCAndroid?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ?Yes (GNU/GPL)?
OpenSatNav[43]Kieran Fleming et al.Tablet PCAndroid, OpenMoko?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
Minimap[44]?Tablet PCAndroid?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
MapDroyd[45]CloudMade Deutschland GmbHTablet PCAndroid?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
OruxMaps[46]?Tablet PCAndroid?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ?No?
AlpineQuest GPS Hiking (Lite)[47]?Tablet PC,Android?yes (?), ???
AndNav 2[48]?Tablet PC,Android?yes (?), ???
Big Planet Tracks[49]?Tablet PC,Android?yes (?), ???
Sports Tracker[50]Sports Tracking TechnologiesTablet PCAndroid,?yes (?), noNoDoes not allow navigation to specific points, only tracking
RMaps[51][52]?tablet PCAndroid,?yes (?), ??may not provide actual navigation, only marking of GPS points, and the current position
AFTrack[53]?Tablet PC, handheld PC (Symbian)Android, Symbian OS series 60?yes (?), ???
CacheBox[54]?Tablet PC, PC, handheld PC (pocket PC)Android, Windows Mobile, Windows for PC?yes (?), ??initially intended for geocaching
Mapopolis[55]?Handheld PC (Palm)Palm OS?yes (black and white maps), ??only has maps for USA
Magellan Nav Companion[56]?handheld PC (Palm)Palm OS?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
TZGPS[57]?handheld PC (Palm)Palm OS?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
Trax[58][59]Luke Klein-Berndthandheld PC (Palm)Palm OS?? (?), ???
SoaringPilot[60]?handheld PC (Palm, some PocketPC/WinCE devices)Palm OS?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ??Originally intended for use in sailplanes
CotoGPS[61]?handheld PC (Palm)Palm OS?? (?), ??Originally intended for geocaching
GpsPilot[62]?handheld PC (Symbian One)Symbian?no (?), ???
Maplorer[63]?handheld PC (pocket PC)Windows CE, Mobile?yes (?), ???
OSMtracker[64]?handheld PC (pocket PC), smartphoneAndroid, Windows Mobile?yes (?), ?Yes (GPLv3)?
gpsVP[65]?handheld PC, certain smartphonesWindows Mobile 5,6, 2003?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
CacheWolf[66]?Laptop, PCWindows, Mac OS X, Linux?yes (?), ???
Glopus[67]?Laptop, PC, handheld PC (Pocket PC)Windows, ??yes (?), ???
TrekBuddy[68][69]?PC, laptop, handheld PC (Palm, Symbian, BlackBerry), Windows PhoneWindows XP, Vista, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, Symbian?yes (?), ??Runs on Java, hence cross-platform
gvSIG 2.0[70]?PC, laptop,Windows XP, Vista, Linux, OS X?yes (?), ??cross-platform; originally intended as a GIS; however can be fitted with GPS receiver and has support for it[71] and also allows to easily download maps from any location from an online database as OpenStreetMaps, and many others[72][73]
LuckyGPS[74]?Laptop, PC, smartphoneWindows, Linux, OpenMoko?yes (?), ???
Mumpot[75]?Laptop, PC, smartphoneLinux, OpenMoko, GPE?yes (?), ???
Pyroute[76]OjwLaptop, PC, smartphoneWindows XP, Linux, OpenMoko?yes (?), ???
TangoGPS[77]Marcus BauerLaptop, PC, smartphoneLinux, OpenMoko?yes (?), ???
FoxtrotGPS[78]?Laptop, PCLinux, OpenMoko?yes (?), ??based on TangoGPS, actively being developed, especially adapted for use with touch screens
Rana[79]OjwsmartphoneOpenMoko, Neo Freerunner?yes (?), ??runs on Python, so possibly cross-platform
BikeAtor[80][81]?smartphone (OpenMoko, Symbian), tablet PCAndroid, OpenMoko, Symbian?yes (?), ???
Osmarender[82]?laptop, PCWindows, OS X, Linux?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ??Not intuitive
Mobile Trail Explorer[83]?smartphone, ?Symbian, multiple OSs?yes (?), ??Runs on Java, so a cross-platform GPS navigation software
Open Citymap[84]?smartphone (Qt)Windows CE, OpenMoko?yes (?), ???
Mappero?Nokia N810Maemo[85]?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
NaviPOWM[86]?handheld PC, Laptop, PCWindows for PC, Windows Mobile 5/6/2003 SE, Linux?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ???
GPSSRobin LovelockLaptop or Pocket PCWindows for PC, Windows Mobile?yes (can import)No (but open)Since 1995.
NaVisu?Laptop, PCWindows, OS X, Linux?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ??Developed for marine applications, not intuitive, built around NASA WorldWind
Cetus GPS[87]Cetus softwareembedded system (Garmin)OS 5?yes (?), ???
GPS interpreter[88]Marcel Durieux, Christian Tavernier[89][88]Embedded system (purpose-build PCB)[90]??yes, ???
Andrew Holme's GPS softwareAndrew Holme[91]Embedded system (several custom PCB's + Raspberry Pi)[92]Raspbian Linux??, ???
AdvRider WD[93]Adi BardaAndroidAndroid?yes (can import)YesSince 2013.
TheGOAT[94]?Tablet PCAndroid?yes (OpenStreetMap data), ?No?

See also[edit]


  1. ^'Welcome -'. Retrieved 2017-05-03.
  2. ^'Chaeron Corporation - GPS (Global Position System) Solutions'. 2006-05-03. Retrieved 2017-05-03.
  3. ^Having open-source GPS programs available for different devices also allows people to expand on this software for certain projects, like automated or semi-automated steering systems for vehicles
  4. ^Programs like Google maps require an internet connection as the maps are not available offline, in part because this would also make the program very large in filesize
  5. ^'offline - How to use GPS/Maps without an Internet connection? - Android Enthusiasts Stack Exchange'. Retrieved 2017-05-03.
  6. ^Joe Levi (2013-07-22). 'Here's how to take your Google Maps offline after the v7 update'. Retrieved 2017-05-03.
  7. ^ abcdTablet PCs have touchscreens, laptops do not
  8. ^ abcdsupport of add-on GPS receiver, rather than say the embedded GPS receiver of the device the software was initially designed for
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  15. ^ abMAPS.ME — Offline OpenStreetMap maps for iOS and Android, MAPS.ME, 2017-09-11, retrieved 2017-09-11
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  17. ^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 2014-04-14. Retrieved 2014-04-13.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  18. ^'Navmii GPS World (Navfree) - Android Apps on Google Play'. Retrieved 2017-05-03.
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