- Free yourself from repetitive mouse click work and automate the clicks at specified intervals
- Last updated on 05/23/19
- There have been 1 update within the past 6 months
- The current version has 2 flags on VirusTotal

Auto Clicker Macro Free
From Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker:
How Can An Auto Clicker Help in The Kitchen?? Okay, so an auto clicker can't help in the kitchen, but baking a cake is very similar to creating a great macro. No, no, we haven't gone stark raving mad and despite those funny faces you're pulling at us we'll attempt to explain. More than just a macro recorder and auto clicker. PTFB Pro will do everything that a Macro Recorder or Auto Clicker can and much more. It offers an elegant, easy to use solution to many of the irritations and interruptions that plague Windows users.
Auto Clicker Macro No Download Windows 7
Free Mouse Auto Clicker is a software that can free you from repeat mouse click work. It's simple but enough for normal use. And, it's totally FREE! easy,simple and usefull. Support Click where the mouse is. Support left right mouse button and single double click. Support mouse click interval. Support start hotkey and stop hotkey.
Auto Clicker Macro No Download Free
What do you need to know about free software?
From Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker: Free Mouse Auto Clicker is a software that can free you from repeat mouse click work. It's simple but enough for normal use. And, it's totally FREE! easy,simple and usefull. Support Click where the mouse is. Support left right mouse button and single double click. Support mouse click interval. Support start hotkey and stop hotkey.