Qt Sqlite Driver Not Loaded

Active3 years, 2 months ago

I developed a c++ library using qt. In this one I am using QSqlDatabase to query informations from a SQLite database. Notice : my library works fine in a qt desktop application (I am developing on Linux).

My program written in Qt C calls the sqlite database. On my own computer it works good, but on the end user's computer it says 'Driver not loaded'. True, I don't know which files/dlls should be c. Qt - QSQLDatabase (using SQLite) takes long time to open a database; Qt QPSQL driver not loaded; Qt MySQL can't load plugin driver (QLibrary, QPluginLoader successfully loaded, QSqlDatabase::drivers return empty!) qt - How to deliver sqlite driver to the end user?

Now my next step is to use my libray in an android studio project. For this I compiled my library using the android ndk (this step works fine) but got QSqlDatabase : Driver not loaded Driver not loaded.

This error occurs when I am calling m_database.setDatabaseName(/Database.db);

Thank for your feedback


2 Answers

The error message says it all : the driver is not loaded.

In your case, the SQLite database driver is not loaded.

This can be because of :

  • you didn't compile the SQLite Qt driver
  • the SQLite Qt driver is compiled, but not deployed
  • the SQLite Qt driver is deployed, but not found by Qt

Have a look here, in 'Troubleshooting' section : http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/sql-driver.html

I'm not a pro in Android, but documentatin can be easily found :

Search for 'sql' and 'deploy' in these pages


I finally resolved my problem. Qt did not found the driver in the tree folder of the apk (once deployed on a device)

Have a look on this post : Qt C++ library in Android Eclipse project: QSQLITE driver not loaded

Qt Sqlite Driver Not Loaded

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Viewed 2k times

I am getting error when I try to use SQLite with Qt using below code base on Windows:

I have added library path to QTDirplugins also. When I try to print all available drivers it gives me nothing. I have also copied below out put of my Console application. Note that I am not using any GUI application but using Console Application.


Qsqldatabase Qmysql Driver Not Loaded

Error Message

Qt Sqlite Driver Not Loaded Windows 7


QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded

QSqlDatabase: available drivers:

Qt Sqlite Example

Database Added

Database is set

I am using visual studio with Qt. I tried lot of option of project configuration but I did not have success. Let me know if any more detail is required

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Qt Sqlite Driver Not Loaded 2

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