Sep 16, 2018 Ever since my finger has been injured I can't crack my knuckles without just horrible pain. I can crack the PIP and DIP on all of my fingers by wiggling it side to side at the joint, but I can't do it with my injured finger (left ring). Real deal or wives’ tale: Knuckle cracking can cause harm, including arthritis? A Mayo Clinic hand surgeon’s answer may surprise you.
because ur fat
Wow... insensitive much?
No Darling, your not fat, maybe it's because you cracked themtoo much in the past, and you've lost the 'pop' in yourknuckles?
Why does it hurt to crack your knuckles?
Well.. maybe because your bones cant take it like that when you crack ur knuckles your cracking ur bones so it hurts :) i hope this help
What makes knuckles crack?
what makes knuckles crack is carbon dioxide bubbles in your knuckles along with cartilage.
Does knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog crack his knuckles?
No he doesn't crack his knuckles. That's just his character name.

How do you make knuckles smaller?

You can't. They get bigger as you crack them. Don't crack your knuckles or you'll resort to big knuckles!
Can everyone crack their knuckles?
Not everyone can crack their knuckles. About half of those people who responded to an online poll could 'always' crack their knuckles, while a third could 'sometimes'. That leaves about 15 percent that said they could not crack their knuckles.
How do you crack knuckles?
To crack your knuckles you simply pull back your knuckles in a 45 degree angle and it has to be up to 45 or else you might hurt your hand.
Why cant you stop cracking or knuckles?
Its a habit i do it and it is harmful try doing stuff to stop like i wear a rubber band every time i crack my knuckles i simply snap it on my wrist
Cracking Your Knuckles
What will happen if you crack your knuckles too much?
If you crack your knuckles too much, you may get pain called arthritis.
How many Americans crack their knuckles?
2 out of every 3 Americans crack their knuckles. There are some theories that say cracking the knuckles may be harmful and can cause arthritis.
Why do you crack your knuckles?
For a lot of people, knuckle-cracking just becomes a habit. There is no real reason whatsoever to crack knuckles though.
Why Won't My Knuckles Crack
What makes the cracking noise when you crack you knuckles?
When you crack your knuckles do your hands swell?
No. Cracking your knuckles does not cause your hands to swell.
Can Crack Knuckles Multipletimes A Day
Does cracking your knuckles give you fat fingers?
Can't Stop Cracking Knuckles
Cracking your knuckles can cause your knuckles to swell depending on how often you crack them.
What happens when you crack your knuckles and it's really bad?
There is no indication that cracking your knuckles is harmful.
What Makes Your Knuckles Crack